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If it's intense for you right now...

If it's intense for you right now know that whatever you're feeling is the energy that's "up" for you to clear...

Feeling extreme sadness? That's your body releasing old trauma (NOT creating new trauma)...

Feeling angry? That's your body showing you where you haven't acknowledged or enforced your boundaries (now you can see what you require more clearly than ever)...

Feeling lost and confused? That's the shedding of what you "thought" was you so that you can more deeply connect to what is "actually" you.

None of it's wrong.

Each moment you acknowledge your pain instead of judging or hiding from it is one tiny, but powerful step forward on a winding path.

Each moment you acknowledge your pain instead of judging or hiding from it is one tiny, but powerful step forward on a winding path.

It's not linear, but it is perfect (for you). Your vulnerability is your power.

Your vulnerability is your power.

If you need help on your journey I'm here. I also know some pretty amazing practitioners from Therapists to other Energy Practitioners to Massage Therapists.

Ever yours,

Erin <3 Erin Ryan, MSOM, LAc, CRMT | 815 893 9590 |


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