COVID-19 Soul Detox: Feel all of your feelings (w/podcast link)
Many of us are at home right now due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). And since it's spreading to many parts of the world more day by day, my guess is we'll be here for awhile.
Since we're not able to travel outward into the world like we used to, this is the perfect time to travel inward and do a soul detox.
One of the paths to this is through feeling all of your feelings.
Why feel all of your feelings?
Why go through a soul detox instead of flipping on the tv nonstop for weeks upon weeks instead of connecting to your body?
Well, my darling, because when we fully feel our feelings we are FINALLY able to let go of all the sh*t that we've been holding onto for years; the icky stuff that's been creating this ambiguous uneasy feeling we've been carrying around, but because we've been so busy we haven't been able to focus on long enough to understand, let alone clear it.
This is YOUR time my beautiful friend to clear these emotions out of your body.
Those emotions stuck deep down are a culmination of all of your unconscious patterns (i.e. your conditioning) from lifetimes of trauma...they keep you stuck so when you release them you'll get to come back into a state of flow.
Flow is something you knew well when you were born, but you may have forgotten.
When you're in a state of flow things are easeful and you'll have this sense of joy, certainty and peace even if things are challenging and difficult (yes, it's possible to not be happy about something, but still be at total peace with it.)
Here's my latest podcast where I walk you through how to feeling all of your feelings:
Psssstttt....PLEASE LISTEN AND SHARE! I'm a teeny tiny business and I'm trying to help all of you beautiful souls AND feed my two kiddos at the same time (you should see them, they're adorable).
So take this time to feel all of your feelings.
You don't even need to know why you're feeling them.
You just need to be a safe presence for them.
And to feel them completely, totally and utterly.
This means not judging your feelings.
Or yourself for feeling them.
This means deciding it's okay for them to be there.
And coming out of resistance to them completely so you can...
See them.
Be with them.
Acknowledge them.
Allow them.
Love them.
Love the you that is feeling these feelings even if you can't remember where they came from or why they're here.
And just breathe.
And out...
And out...
And out...
Then, layer upon layer, you'll watch your feelings begin to melt.
Like ice melting under a hot sun.
Until they're completely dissolved and that dark, stuck, stagnant energy is free.
And you are free.
And then you'll feel lighter.
And more you than ever.
Just give it time.
And be patient.
And remember....
The moment you acknowledge your pain it ceases to be pain and instead becomes intensity.
So allow yourself to feel this intensity for as long and as often as the feeling requires to be truly seen and acknowledged.
Do this often and over and over again.
If you need a little more oompf to help you along, here are two statements that help me accept what I'm feeling in the moment so that I can acknowledge my feelings and let them go.
Say them out loud or in your mind. I recommend repeating each statement at least 3 times while putting your hands over your heart:
1. Even though I feel __________, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
2. I feel __________ and I love the me feeling that.
Example 1:
Even though I feel afraid I'll get sick or someone I love will get sick, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I feel afraid I'll get sick or someone I love will get sick and I love the me feeling that.
Example 2:
Even though I feel afraid I won't have enough money, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I feel afraid I won't have enough money and I love the me feeling that.
Example 3:
Even though I feel more scared than I've ever been, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I feel more scared than I've ever been and I love the me feeling that.
Example 4:
Even though I feel trapped and uncertain I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I feel trapped and uncertain and I love the me feeling that.
Example 5:
Even though I feel lost and lonely, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I feel lost and lonely and I love the me feeling that.
At first it might feel strange saying these statements. You might even feel like you're lying or inviting in more of what you don't want, but that's not at all what you're doing.
Repeating these statements will take you out of resistance to your pain which is ultimately what allows it to go (when it's ready).
Think of your pain as an entity or a person that just wants to be heard or acknowledged so it can move on.
If you meet them with love and compassion, hear them deeply and completely by being fully present while having no interest in judging or making them wrong, then true healing can take place.
You are so very welcome Brittany! Our greatest ally right now is becoming intensely present...we have this beautiful opportunity to clears years worth of trauma as we acknowledge everything that comes up by meeting it with compassion and love. <3
Thank you for sharing, it really helped me through all the different feelings I've been experiencing. Needing to stay present at this time is hard, and this has really helped ❤️❤️❤️