Included in the class curriculum:
5E Dragon Fire Reiki Level 1 is for any healer who is desiring to have their psychic gifts and intuitive abilities unlocked and amplified.
You will learn the history of Reiki, hand placements, and how Dragon Fire Reiki came to be.
We will be opening up your palm chakras and attuning you to the energy of Reiki.
5E Dragon Fire Reiki Level 2 is where you will learn the mental-emotional symbol to balance the head and the heart, the distance symbol to send energy over a distance more powerfully (also into the past and into the future), and the power symbol which empowers the other symbols and powers the energy itself.
The focus in this class will be doing sessions for other people.
5E Dragon Fire Reiki Level 3 is where you will learn the master healing symbol and deepen more into the medicine of the Dragons.
In preparation for entering into working with the five elemental Dragons, we are required to drop a tremendous amount of density.
5E Dragon Fire Reiki Level 4 is where you will be attuned to Dragon Fire and taught how to work with the Fire Dragon.
You will learn to bring their fire through the Fire meridians (heart, small intestine, pericardium, and san jiao) that correspond to the emotions of anxiety, defensiveness, and mania.
By clearing the Fire Meridians with Dragon Fire we are able to transmute those emotions into peace, openness and calm.
5E Dragon Fire Reiki Level 5 Earth Dragon: During this class, we will be bringing Dragon Fire through the Earth meridians (the spleen and stomach meridians).
You will learn how to locate, dredge and nourish the spleen and stomach meridians to clear worry and overthinking while working with the Earth dragons.
5E Dragon Fire Reiki Level 6 Metal Dragon: During this class, we will be bringing Dragon Fire through the Metal meridians (the lung and large intestine meridians).
Learn how to locate, dredge and nourish the metal meridians in eastern medicine to clear sorrow and sadness.
5E Dragon Fire Reiki Level 7 Water Dragon: During this class, we will be bringing Dragon Fire through the Water meridians.
Learn how to locate, dredge and nourish the water meridians in eastern medicine to clear fear.
5E Dragon Fire Reiki Level 8 Wood Dragon: During this class, we will be bringing Dragon Fire through the Wood meridians.
Learn how to locate, dredge and nourish the water meridians in eastern medicine to clear anger, frustration, and resentment.
Upon completion of all four classes, you will receive a Certificate for 5 ELEMENT DRAGON FIRE REIKI LEVEL 1 - LEVEL 8.
You will also have access to a Private Facebook Group to connect with the collective of past/current students.
Please keep in mind that all sales are final. See Full Cancellation Policy here.