Crystal Lake Reiki
& Acupuncture
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in having Erin speak at your facility about Acupuncture, Reiki, Access Bars or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?
Contact Erin Ryan Below:
Erin Ryan
Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine
Bachelors in Nutrition
Licensed Acupuncturist
Certified Usui & Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher
Access Bars Facilitator
Energy Coach
NCBTMB Continuing Education (CE) Provider
My passion in life is to assist you in healing. There is nothing more beautiful, amazing, wondrous, and extraordinary to me than facilitating people like you in growing, playing, laughing, learning, and changing your life.
Those who gravitate to my healing practice know there's more than what they've been experiencing in their lives and are ready for what's beyond, ready for change, and ready to heal and grow past where they are now (even if already successful!).
You and I just KNOW we have greater capacities. When you're ready to move past the barriers and blockages keeping you stuck and out of your fullest potential, out of possibility and wonder, that's when magic can really take place. During a session you and I co-create in order to change your life, change your reality, and get you whatever it is you need to go beyond what's limiting you.
My Eastern Healing Background
In November of 2017 I became a Licensed Acupuncturist with the State of Illinois and NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) Board Certified.
I received my Masters of Science Degree in Oriental Medicine with a focus on acupuncture and a Bachelors Degree in Nutrition focusing on herbal medicine from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine in Evanston, IL in September of 2017.
In November of 2016 I had an internship in Guangzhou, China, where I studied at the top TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Hospital in the Country, Guangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I’ll never forget such an enriching experience. It was absolutely humbling to witness this medicine being used where it originated. In 2016 I also completed a 6-month internship at Stroger Hospital located in Chicago, IL where I treated a wide range of patients with acupuncture.
I first learned traditional Usui Reiki Ryoho in 2009, later going on to become a Reiki Master in 2010 (the highest level). In 2015 I took an additional Reiki class, this time in Usui & Holy Fire Reiki, to become a Reiki teacher. I have taught Reiki through McHenry County College and the Crystal Lake Park District at my business located in Crystal Lake, IL.
Access Bars
I facilitate private sessions for Access Bars. Access Bars are a powerful way to dissolve and dissipate root issues seated in the subconscious. continuing education to Massage Therapists.
Other Teaching Positions
I have taught Reiki through McHenry County College (Crystal Lake, IL) and the Crystal Lake Park District. I have also taught Energetic Techniques at First Institute (Crystal Lake, IL) for their massage therapy program.
My Western Medicine Healing Background
I have a background in Western medicine as well. Most notably, I am a licensed EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) and CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). I have worked at Good Shepherd Hospital located in Barrington, IL as a CNA and Stroger Hospital in Chicago, IL practicing acupuncture.
I believe strongly that the best way to heal is by fusing Western and Eastern medicine together to create greater wholeness and health.

Erin has been practicing Reiki since 2009. She offers private sessions and teaches all levels of Reiki.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Erin is a Licensed Acupuncturist and also offers Chinese herbal formulas.
Access Bars
Erin is a Certified Access Bars Facilitator. She offers private sessions.