Clearing the "Productivity Pattern" (w/podcast link)

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

The productivity pattern is a very insidious and dare I say, culturally "normal" pattern that many of us have fallen into. It's a pattern where our sense of self worth and value are linked to how much and how often we produce (i.e. make money, create, add value to the world).

Producing isn't a problem in and of itself. In fact, creating can be a great joy. It's when our sense of value and worthiness as human beings are linked to the results we produce that we run into trouble. And even if our sense of worth isn't tied as much into results, we might still fear that if we're not constantly producing we won't ever have enough.

This productivity pattern is insidious because we often don't realize that it's even a problem. We will make choices and take actions out of alignment because of it. We might even be applauded by ourselves and other people the more we let it run the show.

I've seen the productivity pattern over and over again throughout my energy practice in my clients and their partners. It's a hard one to shake because fear sets in quickly if we're not in an almost constant state of productivity panic.

So why are we like this?

I could spend a lot of time hypothesizing why, but what I've observed is it all boils down to these UNCONSCIOUS BELIEFS in our minds:

BELIEF #1 There's not enough so I need to be constantly pushing myself so that I have enough.

Rationale: I know that as long as I'm pushing myself as hard as I can then it creates enough money in my bank account and food on my table for my loved ones and me to survive...but if I don't push myself as hard I can then there's a chance we might not survive. I refuse to even chance that, so I will continue to always push myself as hard as I can. I would rather suffer than have that happen.

BELIEF #2 I am not enough so I need to constantly be pushing myself to prove to myself and others I am worthy of praise and love.

Rationale: Deep down I do not actually believe I am enough. If I was enough then bad things wouldn't have happened to me. I must be to blame somehow. I know that when I produce more I feel more valuable and then I can prove to myself and others I am worthy of praise and love. If I don't push myself so hard people might think I am lazy and less than. I will think this too.

***These thought patterns are mostly unconscious***...that is to say, we're not aware of them. We might just start to get an uneasy feeling in our bodies if we're enjoying ourselves too much for too long or resting too much for too long. An invisible wire gets tripped and we go back into a state of productivity panic.

So now what?

We don't know that if we discover our flow state we can actually do less and receive more.

Being in a flow state means you're allowing the current to take you. Things flow with ease.

Sometimes the current is slow and steady, which is a time to rest and relax, and sometimes the current turns into a rushing rapid and you'll effortlessly get a burst of energy which inspires you into action.

Inspired action flows. It's fun, joyful and easeful even when what you're doing isn't traditionally considered "fun" (i.e. cleaning, working, paying bills, etc.).

Being in a flow state means you're inspired to act instead or forcing yourself to act. It also means you allow yourself to rest and receive.

There is no resistance or force when in a flow state, yet there's enormous power and momentum moving you forward.

Breaking the productivity pattern means allowing yourself to go with the flow instead of trying to get ahead of the current.

When you allow the current to move you then you let the Universe have your back.

If you're ready please comment below, "I allow the Universe to have my back!"

I dedicated an entire episode of my podcast to clearing the productivity pattern. Give it a listen below or click here
